TCRD v5.1.0 =================== This is the first release of TCRD v5. All data has been reloaded (and updated where applicable). IDG2 flags are current for Phase 2 as approved by DRGCs and NIH. Schema changes relative to v4.6.10 are minimal, but noted below. phenotype table --------------- - sex column added - snps column changed to type text expression column ----------------- - gender column renamed to sex Other Changes ============= NIHRePORTER textmining results have been removed (by request of Ajay Pilai). The grant table is gone, and the tdl_info rows where itype is "NIHRePORTER 2000-2017 R01 Count" are gone. DrugCentral Update ================== Drug Central data reloaded with new update and TDLs regenerated.